Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Things

A few things that made me happy today...

When I went to get Anita up from her nap and she was wearing her shirt on her head (frequent move of hers) and she was singing ABC's (her own broken version of it) to her doll. When I walked in she said to her doll "Okay, doll, play with Mommy? YAY!" and she jumped into my arms.

That I spied not one, not two, but THREE strawberries on my plant this morning!

And I just started the last chapter of the book I am reading (Under the Banner of Heaven) which is so awesome and good that I hate to finish it. But now I can start thinking about what book to read next which is one of my favorite things to do.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a singing oil blog of happy. Yes.