Thursday, April 8, 2010


A list of a few things I am currently loving...

Yo Gabba Gabba. This show is a trip and it is so much fun. I try to limit the amount of T.V the bird watches but this is a show I can get behind. We sing and learn awesome dance moves and "cool, cool, cool tricks". The songs are catchy and stay with you for days and I love DJ Lance Rock and his groovy dance moves.

The Ricky Gervais Show (HBO). I promise you I do not sit around watching T.V. all day. But at the end of the day I do like curling up on the couch with the hubby and watching something from Tivo before bed. This show makes us giggle like a couple of 7 year olds. Plus, if Anita is still up, she tolerates this 25 minute diversion of our attention because it is animated and therefore more interesting then say if we were trying to catch up on our Tivo'd Frontline.

Chocolate and Peanut Butter. Pretty much anything that contains the combination of these two foods is heaven on earth. I can't think of anything better. I mean either one on there own is pretty fantastic. I have a huge problem with peanut and almond butter and if I allowed myself could easily eat a whole jar for lunch. And I have come close. But adding chocolate to the mix takes it to whole new and very dangerous level.

Food. Yeah, I sorta have a obsessive relationship with it. I LOVE it. I love to read about it, I love to shop for it, I love to make it and I love to EAT it. I think about food way too much, probably. Sometimes I wish I was one of those people who didn't enjoy it so much but that would be kinda boring, don't you think? I think people who know how to enjoy good food are just more fun. At least that is what I tell myself. Wink.

Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Kraukauer. This the book I am currently reading and boy howdy is it good. It is the story of Mormon Fundamentalism (and the Mormon faith in general) and it is incredibly fascinating. I am having a tough time putting it down. I highly recommend it even though I haven't yet finished it. I must preface all this by saying that it is very creepy. I'm not usually one of those people who gets so creeped out during a movie that I can't sleep or be home alone. Don't get my wrong, I get way scared (remind me to tell you about the time I saw The Ring and I have vowed to never watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre again) but I usually can just brush it off once its over. However, a few times since reading this book I found myself somewhat skittish in ways that I was not before because of some of the crazy and creepy things I have read about. But its creepy in a good way and in a completely appropriate way and really, just read this book.

Stripes. I love stripes. Always have and always will. I can remember being quite young, maybe 6 or 7, and my favorite striped dress. I loved wearing it and I love just seeing it in my closet. I still do this. I have more stripes in my closet and drawers than non-stripes. Stripes are just perfect to me. I love them and I always gravitate to them in a store. My best girl has many a time tried to talk me out of yet another striped purchase, but with little success. Really, I think a person can never, ever, have too many stripes.

Ghostbusters. Yeah, this isn't my first mention of the movie and it won't be my last I can promise you that. Why mention it today? Well, why not? It's perfect. For so many reasons not the least of which is Bill. Ghostbusters was where I first laid on eyes on the glorious Mr. Murray and I haven't been able to look away since. Swoon. But really, I mention here today because we Kartchner Three are having a slumber party tonite, and Ghostbusters is on the shortlist of movies to watch. I am not going to list the other choices today because I will surely post about them in the future.

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