Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010


I finished reading Middlesex this week. Finally. I say finally because I started the book some time ago and although I thoroughly enjoyed the book I managed to prolong completing it by reading 4 other books at the same time. I shouldn't do this, I know, because I feel like I don't fully enjoy any of the books I am reading when I pile them up like, this especially since my time for reading is so scarce. But I digress, Middlesex. Have you read it? I liked it. I really liked it. And I recommend it. It's good. But. There is a but. I have to say that the last 50-100 pages were slightly disappointing. Not disappointing enough for me to not recommend it (again, I do recommend it) but I just started to feel that maybe the author, who did such an amazing job throughout the book, did not know quite how to finish it. It felt a bit rushed at the end. I wanted more. At one point early on while reading about Detroit, I thought for a second that it was sorta like watching The Wire and learning about Baltimore and what the city was like and learning about a different life. But in the end it was sort of like if The Wire had been cancelled during the 4th season and you were left feeling like you didn't get to fully know all the characters and how things turned out. So it's not perfect. But hey, 4 seasons of The Wire are a hell of a lot better than most of what is out there and the same goes for Middlesex. And hell, it won the Pulitzer Prize. So you know, what do I know anyway? Read it and tell me what you think. Okay?

Now I am off to finish reading the parenting books and cookbooks that were distracting me during Middlesex. Once they are completed and out of the way and I am the best parent and cook you ever met my next two books are: Once Upon a Time in the North and World War Z. Excited!!!!

What are you reading?