Friday, June 18, 2010


I have been waiting for this movie since I first heard about it, which seems like years ago. Maybe it was.

It's been awhile since I've been excited for a movie.

I can already hear the haters chattering away but I don't care. I love Sofia. Any of you, hipstery haters who partake in talk such as Wes Anderson is overrated or too derived or that Sofia is a hack...are entitled to your opinion but it's a little too jaded for me. I have enjoyed their movies immensely and look forward to whatever they do next.

On a side note, when we were thinking of names for Anita, Cleo was on my list. Tad didn't like it that much, I think because of that psychic on t.v. a few years back. But I liked it and thought it sounded good with our last name. Anyhow, I probably have to take it off the list now.

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