Monday, June 14, 2010


I am by no means an audiophile or music expert. But I do like music. And thankfully so does our little bird. I have a habit of listening to something over and over again until I can't listen anymore and Anita seems to have inherited that habit as well. Our current fave on repeat rotation is the new Black Keys album. I have read criticism for this album that it is "too polished" or "too studio". As I said, I am no expert but I did not notice this and/or it did not bother me. Also, I read a criticism saying that they sounded too different from their early albums. To that I can only say that I like when a band evolves and I certainly don't want them to sound exactly the same on every album. I don't think it is so different really, certainly not in a bad way. My non-expert criteria for liking this album and any album is do I want to cook/bake to this and do I want to listen to this on my 2 hour weekly drive to visit my Grandma? I can say with certainty that this album passes both tests. I would say that a new criteria would be will I mind when Anita picks her favorite song (track 14 on this album) and she asks me to repeat it again and again.? No, I didn't mind at all. :)

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