Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Pogues are popping up quite a bit on this here blog. It's beginning to feel like 1997 around here.

As previously mentioned by my co-author, Christmas and The Pogues just seem to go together. It's as it is, was and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

One of my favorite memories is Christmas shopping circa 1997, with my 12 years younger, 7 year old brother when Fairytale in New York came on the car radio. He was so excited and astounded that they were actually playing The Pogues on the radio. We were all such big Pogues fans but I guess he thought they were just our little secret. I don't think many of the kids on the playground knew who Shane was when he would talk about going to visit him in Ireland (as he used to fantasize about.) I couldn't help but share in his excitement so we turned the radio up as loud as we could and rolled down the windows and sang our hearts out. To this day, when I hear the song I always turn it up louder than necessary and that feeling of excitement for Christmas and for The Pogues and for my little brother, returns.

In Europe, during the holidays, the song continues to chart year after year; allowing Christmas memories, serenaded by Shane and Kirsty, to continue. As it is, was and ever shall be, world without end, Amen.

Merry Christmas! Turn up the music, open the presents and save room for pie and cookies!

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