Friday, October 9, 2009


We are currently preparing for our annual Fright Fest celebration (frightening flicks, frightening food, frightful friends and family= fright fest fun) by trying to select this year's featured films. This is not an easy task. It is difficult to match horror movies to the guests, some want all out blood and guts, some want to jump from their seat and pee their pants, and others prefer lighthearted fare preferably suited to those aged 5 and below (even if they are aged well above). I enjoy a good horror movie, though in my opinion, they are few and far between. The more modern horror movies don't do it for me. They are just kinda ugly all around. More often than not, when picking the Fright Fest movies I really just want to re-watch my favorites but I can't invite people over every year to watch the same movies again and again. Or so I have been told. Anyway, these films will not be viewed at this year's Fright Fest but if I had my way they would be on view every year.


I realize that these movies are not terribly "frightening" in that they do not have a ton of blood and guts (for the most part) and don't make me want to pee my pants (again, for the most part). But they are my favorites and each very creepy in their own way. Yes, there are other good scary movies, Night of the Living Dead and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, are definitely frightening. So frightening that I do pee my pants and end up hiding in the other room, so they don't make the list. It is my list after all.

So, if you have any suggestions for good frightening fare, something I left off the list, let me know. I am always looking to add to my list!

And no, Contamination, is not on my list. And never will be on my list.

1 comment:

budger said...

For "Makes you pee your pants" list, you forgot The Ring. The bloocurdling scream you let out when you watched it FOR THE SECOND TIME was one of the highlights of that year! There is no way to do that scream justice. Your eyes were clenched tightly. Your hands were held up near your face with your fingers stretched out and tense. Even more humorous was the look on 12 year old PJ's face after he heard you scream. His eyes were wide and he immediately pulled the blanket all the way up to his nose.