Monday, October 26, 2009

the poppyseed cakes

The Poppy Seed Cakes by Margery Clark & Maud Petersham.
Illustrations by Miska Petersham.
This is an example that supports the "don't judge a book by its cover" principle; the plain black cover of this book reveals little of the beautiful artwork inside. The colors are bitterly nostalgic. Those hues exist only in my past. Believe it or not, I almost passed it over when I first found it at the thrift store. But it turned out to be yet another leather-bound diary of escapism. A simple accounting of a child's day with her grandmother. There are highs and lows and simple moments in between. But instead of the book report I might normally write, I want to reflect a little.
Certainly this book is worth purchasing for the art alone. However, my own penchant for escapism, especially into childhood memories, is troubling to me lately. From what do I escape? My job is a major downer. Life has thrown me a few curve balls lately and I have taken a few in the ribs. But I am far from unique in that regard. Do I escape towards my youth? As CLK will tell you, we certainly did have a great childhood. It isn't the unhealthiest thing in the world to value your youth. My grandmother was a teacher so there were always great old books lying around to look at. The Poppy Seed Cakes would certainly have fit in with her collection. Perhaps, it is simple nostalgia. But let me be a bit more direct for a change. I worry that I am creating talismans. I worry that I use these objects for my own brand of voodoo to ward off the everyday difficulties, leaving me ill prepared to deal with those difficulties when they inevitably hit me. Boss yells at you? Go buy another talisman. Night didn't go well? Go find another talisman. Somebody dies? Well sir, that photo is a talisman and so is that pocketknife. This exaggerates the situation of course, I just wonder aloud what importance I have placed on these objects discarded by others.
I have grown a lot this year. For one, I have finally come to terms with the fact that disagreeing with my deceased grandfather does not disrespect him; a fact that may be obvious to most of you but eluded me for a long time. So, I look to take another step forward. Add this to my growing list of personal(ity) goals.

"We've got to have energy." - Duncan Garp
"I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with." - Elwood P Dowd
"When a fastball comes at you real high and real tight, you can either take it in the ribs or take a seat. It doesn't matter, and that bat in your hands ain't gonna help you none. Better to take what the pitcher gives you than to try to hit an impossible home run." - me

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Bitterly Nostalgic meets Honesty Talisman - a pairing of friends". Great writing and keep up the good work.
That was a swell book find and share.