Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hells Yeah...

So I heard Martin Scorcese was making a show for HBO starring Steve Buscemi forever ago and I was naturally intrigued. My husband has the book, Boardwalk Empire, which it was based on and he has urged me to read it, but 2010 was a long way away, and I said I was intrigued but I wasn't peeing my pants with excitement or anything, and as my husband likes to say, I completely ignore all of his reading suggestions. Last nite, however, I saw a preview for the show and I maybe peed my pants just a little. Well, not really, but it looks good and I am super jazzed for it. I guess, I may have to finally listen to the old ball and chain and crack open one of his books. But not because he told me to. Because Marty and Steve told me to.

* For the record his characterization of me ignoring his book suggestions is completely not true. I may not pick up the book immediately upon his finishing it but I do read the books he gives me. And I definitely do read, so please don't get the impression that I am book averse either. I would hate to give that impression. Think what you will of me - just not that.

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