Monday, July 5, 2010

In a nustshell...

Things have been a bit busy and scattered around here and I am feeling all over the place. July usually does this to me. I feel underwhelmed and overwhelmed at the same time. I am trying to get back to center. Any suggestions how to do that? Am I even making any sense?

In the meantime, here is a quick update on recent happenings... We went to Seattle and visited with family. The visiting was fun. Traveling with our two year old was not. To put it mildly she was not in the best of spirits and any spirit I had to give was quickly depleted. I came home exhausted and feeling beat by the motherhood challenge.

I had my birthday. I turned 32. Although for a little while I was thinking I was turning 33 so it actually kinda felt like I gained a year somehow. :) We celebrated with a few friends and family by watching Awesomely Bad movies and eating bad for you food. A tradition. To be honest, after returning from Seattle feeling so beaten down I wasn't much in the mood for awesomely bad anything. Tad insisted it was tradition and just what we needed and he was right (but don't tell him that). I didn't do as much to prepare for the party but I think it was fun for all nonetheless. I hope so.

In addition to Awesomely Bad night, Tad took me to lunch to my favorite restaurant, The Ramos House. Oh my, it was so good. I hadn't been there since my birthday last year and this was my best meal yet. It was the perfect birthday meal and we had a lovely time. In addition, Anita and I started the day by making "Cinnamon Bun Muffins" for breakfast and it was such a nice way to start the day. It is so fun as Anita grows to be able to do more and more things with her and interact with her in more ways. I think that may have been the best part of my birthday.

And finally, 4th of July. We had plans for the holiday but they ended up falling through sorta last minute. We weren't terribly disappointed because we usually don't do too much on the 4th anyway because of the crowds, which I avoid like the plague. So we decided to celebrate with an all American meal of pulled chicken sandwiches, coleslaw, french fries, fruit salad and berry shortcake. This is pretty much Tad's dream meal. It all turned out pretty darn good. I am not a huge fan of pulled chicken (or pulled anything really) but I thought everything else was pretty tasty. I used Alice Water's Cream Biscuit recipe for the shortbread and it was perfection. Seriously, I don't know if I can ever eat shortcake again without them. One reason we had made plans on the 4th, which as I said we usually don't do, is that we wanted Anita to see some fireworks but she ended up missing out. They were cancelled near our house and she was pretty beat at the end of the day and I don't think we could have gotten her to stay up until 9 p.m. anyway. So not this year. But we have it to look forward to next year. I am making an effort to be less of a hermit, less anti-everything so that Anita can experience things, but circumstance and old habits seem to get in the way. But we'll keep trying and see what happens next year.

So that's the last few weeks in a nutshell. I am not sure it explains why I am feeling scattered and up and down and all over the place. If it did, if I knew, then I probably wouldn't be feeling like this. I guess I feel like I have no focus at the moment and that I need focus. Plus, I don't think this weather is helping me any. It's supposedly July but as I write this it is grey and drizzling outside. Which end is up?

*The photo above is of Anita learning to skateboard with her Dad on 4th of July. Once I figure out what is wrong with our scanner I have a great pic to show you from Seattle!

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