Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Awesomely Bad

I think I have written previously of my love of Awesomely Bad Movies. If not, well now you know. I dig them. Watching an Awesomely Bad Movie with friends is my most favorite past time ever. And for several years now that is exactly what I do to celebrate my birthday. Now, don't worry this isn't a post about my birthday. It's way to early to be talking about that. At least that is what everyone keeps saying. But I was doing some "research", we'll call it, of movies that I may be overlooking on my current list of must watch Awesomely Bads and these write ups made me laugh out loud. This one and this one, I found particularly spot on. Don't even get me started on The Notebook. Don't. But if you know me personally, you've heard it already and this writer said it way better and funnier then I could.

Shout Out to my favorite Miss S.C. who was by my side to witness both these flicks. No one better to watch an Awesomely Bad Movie with, intentional or not.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dude. i am peeing. "pulls at your diarrhea strings"!!!! omg....i seriously wish i could say we wrote this, because it is EXACTLY what we have discussed....i love the part about going in wanting to cry. remember how excited we were? damn. that movie sucks. we need to watch it again. p.s. i can't sleep....xox