Sunday, July 25, 2010


It's Sunday, which is family day and computer-free for me. But while the family is napping I thought I would sneak away and let you in on two shows that I am currently in love with. I would even go as far as saying, I am obsessed with. Mad Men and Louie. Oh, swoon. Yeah, I know I am a little late to the Mad Men party. But that's okay because it is divine catching up on three seasons worth of radness. If you, like me, were trying to resist, do yourself a favor and stop right now. Give in.

As for Louie, man, it's just good. If you aren't familiar with Louis C.K. then go ahead and netflix his two comedy specials now. They are hilarious. Knee slapping, guffaw inducing. You might even pee your pants a little. And when you are done with those, I think, you will be as eager as I am to hang out with him for the measly 30 minutes we get with his new T.V. show. See, cause the show kinda feels like you are hanging out with him. Which I would love to do. I mean, seriously, can I please have plan a play date with Louis C.K.? That would be a dream come true. Because he is awesome and funny and normal and cool and wouldn't try and talk to me about how the tutu his 2 year old daughter is wearing in dance class "washes her out". (Ugh.)

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