Friday, November 13, 2009

i am not sure of many things.

"With cash in your pockets you are wise and good looking and can sing." - Yiddish proverb.

On what level do we connect, you and I? Do we share interests? Do we use each other to better ourselves? Or, do we commiserate over our shared flaws? How did we come to be acquainted at all?
And, what are our expectations of each other? Why do we expect such? These questions are all related and important. To know the answers to these questions is to have a high emotional intelligence. And, if I am to believe what I have been taught in Business 40013, a high emotional intelligence can pave the way for many successful business and personal relationships.

One key part of the equation is trust. If I trust you then I most likely expect more from you and from myself. Another part, assuredly, is perception. The way we perceive and are perceived has so much to do with the way we interact. So yes, with more money or more confidence we find the world much easier to conquer with our wits and our talents.

Of course, we cannot overlook luck in all of this. In each friendship, wasn't there some luck in our getting to know each other. But what is the other part of this social equation? What mysterious dark matter fills the gaps? Some may call it spark. It can cause us to fall in love or be best friends or just merely acquaintances. It cannot be controlled or understood, but we should all be aware of its existence. But what value do we place on luck and spark?

Gee whiz. I analyze, re-analyze, over-analyze, self-analyze, cross-analyze and pre-analyze. It's a marathon race around a high school track. It's a lot of work with no reward and sometimes you never get anywhere at all. Notice, there are more questions in this post than there are ideas. And, this is as exhausting to write as it is for you to read. But sometimes in this world, sometimes you take a long walk down a dark alley towards an unknown destination. You go there not to be right or be happy. You go there because you have never been and at the moment that just sounds nice. You've got cash in your pockets and you're good at traveling.

Hat tip to alw for the Yiddish quote and for also allowing me to quote her for the title of this post. Thanks.

1 comment:

erica said...

all i can say is YES. i can relate. thanks, man.