Wednesday, October 28, 2009

velo orange

[Image is from]

They just don't make them like they used to. I am talking about things in general, of course, but this also specifically applies to bikes and bike parts. Well, Velo-Orange certainly makes them like they used to. After the Quoddy's from South Willard sold out, I chose to spend my money on the amazing and awesome Porteur Rack at VO plus some other odds and ends to improve my bike. I had to show some restraint; I could have easily spent $1,000 or more. But I will certainly be spending more in the future as I choose new wheels, Honjo fenders, temple bell, etc..
I am warning you, don't visit their site unless you have money to spend. But be sure to check out the VO blog as well, for tips on how to wrap/shellac your handlebars, which lighting system is best and general bike tricks.

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