Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fright Fest is this weekend so I have been busy preparing. I already mentioned how difficult it is to select flicks for the Fest since I feel people are very particular about the type of horror movies they like. Well, I still haven't finalized the list of movies for this Saturday except for this one, The Mist. Apparently, it was in theaters in 2007 but I have no recollection of it whatsoever. I watched it last year, not at Halloween, and I liked it and think it will appeal to both the gore lovers and the scaredy cats who are attending this year. It is in black and white (you can watch in color on DVD but it is way better in b&w) and feels like an old time classic sort of horror movie. Plus, Thomas Jane is in it so I know Sara will be entertained. I still have to decide on more movies (something a bit more fun and scary to even things out) and the next three days I will be confined to the kitchen, baking and cooking so you might not hear from me until after the festivities. Hope you have a great fall weekend! I know I will!

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